Friday, April 4, 2008


Today my family was coming home from a thing and when we got home, I said, "I'm going to play outside." So I got a thing to play with, and then I thought I heard my mom calling me, so I said, "Yes mom?" and I heard, "Up here, Graham." I looked up my driveway and saw an old friend from soccer last year. I forgot he lived up the street from us. I went up to talk to him. He said he had to drop off some stuff and would be right back, so I waited. And then my mom came out of the house and I told her everything and she said I could run down and go there. So I ran down and I looked at the outside of his house. Then we came back to my house and we found some plastic fighting sticks. We played that for a while then he said he had to go home then and well, that's my story with a old friend.